Helping you to move forward

Carrie Elrick

Transitions in life are experienced by everyone but they can feel overwhelming. Events such as job or career changes, relationship issues, health concerns, and caregiving responsibilities can create feelings of loss, anxiety, fear, sadness, and uncertainty. These are normal emotions and seeking help and support as your journey through these transitions will help you make sense of the changes and find purpose and meaning in your next chapter.

Carrie approaches her counselling and coaching starting from your experience and works collaboratively with you to explore your unique situation and identify your path forward.
Carrie has over 20 years of counselling experience supporting people as they work through unexpected life events to find their way through their circumstances.
Carrie specializes in working with women on issues associated with experiences of abuse and violence, self-care and self-worth, career transitions and relationships.

Coaching for all Women

We find your passion through our process and help you light that fire! My career and life coaching approach focuses on supporting you to develop your next steps, draw on your existing skills and strengths, and help you get to where you want to go!

Your personal and professional goals drive the coaching sessions. We make an action plan and measure your progress as you move through the steps toward the success identified by you.

Counselling for Everyone

You know your life better than anyone. I work with you to develop a personalized plan for counselling that places you in the center. We work together to address the issues and problems you are experiencing and make a plan to help you feel a sense of resolution.

Carrie's Registered
Social Worker

Carrie’s services are covered by certain policies under the above insurance providers. Payment is completed upfront and submitted to your provider. Contact your provider for more information

Master-level Social Work Counselling Covered For You

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